Address: The Rose Lounge at Sofitel Hotel, 6 Waterloo Place, London SW1Y 4AN
Le Tea en Rose
Your choice of Jing tea
Finger sandwiches
Chefs selection of four seasonal sandwiches
Freshly baked, homemade warm scones
Served warm with Devonshire clotted cream and rose scented raspberry jam
Your choice of freshly made miniature French pastries
Mikiko's Notes: The Rose Lounge 下午茶挺受歡迎的. It has a very elegant décor - rosy scenes, rosy sofa, the air is even scented with fresh roses! 那裏環境舒適 , 沒有很嘈雜的感覺 , 茶具十分精緻 , 喝起茶來加倍賞心悅目 , 還有豎琴伴奏!特別適合三五知己聊聊天 , 好好享受整個下午. 之前帶過幾位日本朋友來喝下午茶,他們都很喜歡這裡浪漫的佈置&貼心的服務, 還說在東京也找不到麼漂亮的地方.
英式風味的下午茶 光看就很享受了 希望有機會能親身體驗一下